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Exercise Rehabilitation for:

- Workers Compensation
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Life Insurance
- Pre or post surgery
- Return to sport

As Exercise Physiologists that have worked in the Workers Compensation scheme for several years, we understand the challenges within the scheme and how to best overcome them.

We specialise in exercise rehabilitation and have helped many injured workers to return to their chosen job after a musculoskeletal injury.

We use a biopsychosocial approach to injury treatment and liaise with all stakeholders to ensure early intervention is achieved.

Secure a booking with our Perth exercise physiologist team today.

Exercise Rehabilitation

Our exercise rehabilitation programs help you to keep moving, understand your injury and keep progressing back to your optimal function.

It has been shown that in as little as 3 days we start losing muscle when we do not stay active. Our muscles are there to support our joints and provide us with functional daily movements. 

Resistance based exercises are highly important following an injury, to speed up recovery and reduce injury timeframes. 

Our Injury Treatment Method

We help people to avoid surgery through education of their injury and a structured exercise program. We also help people get fit before surgery and complete the rehabilitation process after surgery.

We liaise with employers, insurers and medical professionals to understand the injured workers job demands. 

Our exercise programs incorporate exercises that mimic the movements the injured worker might need to do at work.

Our aim is for the injured worker to return to full duties and full hours with a self managed exercise program.

Approved Insurance Claims

If your Workers Compensation, Income Protection or MVA claim has been approved by the insurance company then a gym membership and supervised exercise sessions with us could be fully funded. 

We meet you at a gym, swimming pool or park that is local to you.

Not all injuries are physical, so please let us know if you have a psychological injury and we will accommodate for your needs to return to optimal holistic health.

Insurance claims can be stressful but we are here to focus on your treatment and help you get better. Contact our Perth exercise physiologist team today to get started.

"The results both physically and mentally
have shown for themselves"