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“Believe in yourself and all that you are.
Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle.”

Christian D. Larson

Live Your Best Life

Nothing should stop you from living the life you want.

Everyone should have the support to allow their body to function optimally.

Our Exercise Programs

Our supervised exercise sessions are specifically tailored to each participants unique presentation and ability. 

We use a variety of exercises to keep participants motivated and exercise sessions fun.

Everyone’s program is progressed over time appropriately according to their development.

We conduct our sessions at local gyms, schools, parks or your home, depending on your preference.

The Importance Of Exercise

Exercise Physiology has been included within the NDIS to ensure that participants are meeting the national health guidelines for recommended exercise as the statistics show that:

  • 72% of people with disability are overweight or obese.

  • 54% of people with disability have hypertension.

  • 24% of adults with disability assess their health as ‘very good or excellent’.

NDIS Funding for Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology is funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). 

At each plan review (often yearly), it will be determined by the NDIS participant’s Local Area Coordinator (LAC) how much funding is required for therapies in the following plan period. 

There are three categories which support and services fall into:

  • Core 

  • Capital

  • Capacity building. 

Exercise Physiology funding falls under “Capacity Building” and can be drawn from either “Improved Daily Living” or “Improved Health and Well-being” categories.

"I started training with Holistic Strength a while ago for Exercise Physiology under my NDIS plan. Living with Cerebral Palsy, I require training from someone that specialises with disabilities.

Since starting at Holistic Strength they have been able to show me new exercises that have helped increase my strength, mobility and balance so that I can keep up with my work demands and play golf with my friends." - Isaac Middleton